Whether a child in your life is the victim or the instigator of bullying, these books can provide a medium for thinking about their feelings and actions:
Ages 4 and up
After engaging in a mean game with some of his friends, Little Bill gets some good advice from his dad about how to keep both his friends’ respect and a clear conscience.

Ages 5 and up
The protagonist of this book deals with a friend who can be downright mean sometimes. My Secret Bully is prefaced by a statement from the founder of the Ophelia Project and includes helpful tips, discussion questions, and other resources for helping girls deal with bullying.

Mr. Lincoln’s Way – by Patrician Polacco
Ages 6 and up
The kindly, insightful principal in this book sees through “Mean Gene’s” unkind behavior and tries to help him, and the other students at his school, understand that being different is special.

For a fantastic list of other titles, visit the Santa Clara County Library’s "Books About Bullying" page. Browse suggested fiction and nonfiction titles for kids in grades 3 through 8, and check out recommended titles for adults to learn more about bullying.
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