Older paradigms looked at gender or race when thinking about how a workplace could be diverse. Later views, especially after the implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act, broadened the meaning of diversity to include individuals with physical disabilities -- those who might use a wheelchair or have visual or hearing impairments.
But there is a growing understanding that true diversity also includes understanding and appreciating different learning styles among one's colleagues, and that such a perspective touches on all employees in a workplace, since each one has their own unique learning style. We have seen this diversity in adults in our work here at The Yellin Center, which includes evaluations and consultations with medical students, graduate students and professionals in the workplace. In each instance we have been able to help these adults understand how they learn to help them improve their performance in the tasks that are part of their profession or course of study.
This week Dr. Yellin will be speaking to employees of the U.S. Department of Labor, New York Region, as part of their Diversity Day program. It is encouraging to see that understanding different learning styles is becoming an important part of understanding what makes for a truly diverse workplace.