For students who prefer to use flashcards, we like the website Quizlet, which offers students ages 13 and up access to millions of free flashcards or the opportunity to make up their own flashcard set using the Quizlet online tools. The site also offers study games, audio in 18 languages, the opportunity to create your own study groups, and associated apps for smartphones and other devices. It's still studying, but it doesn't have to be boring!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Effective Studying Techniques
Recent research in the American Psychological Association's Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition has shown that test-taking can be an effective form of learning and, in fact, is a more effective tool for retaining material than merely studying the subject matter involved. Students who have practice tests available to them, such as those in course review books, can use these tests to help learn the materials covered. Although many instructors do not circulate old tests so that they can re-use the questions, when old tests are available, students should use them to solidify their knowledge of the the material they cover.
For students who prefer to use flashcards, we like the website Quizlet, which offers students ages 13 and up access to millions of free flashcards or the opportunity to make up their own flashcard set using the Quizlet online tools. The site also offers study games, audio in 18 languages, the opportunity to create your own study groups, and associated apps for smartphones and other devices. It's still studying, but it doesn't have to be boring!
For students who prefer to use flashcards, we like the website Quizlet, which offers students ages 13 and up access to millions of free flashcards or the opportunity to make up their own flashcard set using the Quizlet online tools. The site also offers study games, audio in 18 languages, the opportunity to create your own study groups, and associated apps for smartphones and other devices. It's still studying, but it doesn't have to be boring!
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